It all begins with a single strand of an idea

INTRODUCING VOCALize : A video podcast series and brings you the best, no-spin insights from our experts in Intelligent Automation

Episode 1 : ‘Who Moved My Cheese’ - The Changing Landscape of Automation

In this inaugural episode, Shail Khiyara is joined by Darren Atkins CTO at the NHS in the UK. Darren and his team have won multiple awards for his work including Health Tech News, Global Sourcing Association, Real IT awards, Paperless awards, NHS Time Matters and HTN Leadership award. Darren was nominated by 5 MPs in Suffolk and Essex and is a regional winner of a Parliamentary award.

where we discussed:

♦️ Selling a dream and the shift in the automation expectations
♦️ Deficiency in digitization using just RPA
♦️ Technical debt in automation
♦️ Organizational readiness to adopt automation vs GMOOT (get me one of those)
♦️ NHS philosophy of Making Time Matter and avoiding the frankenstack of technologies.
♦️ Automation and people transformation. Lean on me – the much needed automation ecosystem (for example, the VOCAL council)

Episode 2 : ‘Much Ado about Something’ - Process Mining, A Practitioners View

Process Mining - a practitioners view, features Nadeem Saeed (Verizon) and Ricardo Henriques (EDP, Portugal).

Insights on:
♦️ How does one know when you are ready for process mining?
♦️ What has to be true to make it successful?
♦️ Is process mining a lifetime continuum in an organization or a short term need?

Episode 3 : Digital Literacy - The Catalyst for Successful Transformation

Excellent insights in this conversation with Pedro Berrocoso who has led a Digital Literacy program for #AI and #Automation at a major biopharmaceutical company and drove the design of an enterprise-wide Digital learning program.

This episode answers these questions and more:
♦️ What is Digital Literacy?
♦️ How do organizations get started on Digital Literacy?
♦️ How does a Digitally literate workforce support the achievement of a business vision and objectives? Why should companies invest in it?
♦️ What makes a good Digital Literacy program successful?
♦️ Can you have Digital Transformation without Digital Literacy?
♦️ What is the role of the COE around Digital Literacy?

Episode 4 : Automation Management : Challenges and Opportunities

Excellent insights in this conversation with Neeraj Mathur who leads the automation efforts at VmWare.

The video highlights the challenges with current orchestrators and outlines the need for automation lifecycle management. It covers:

♦️ Design debt of orchestrators and their limitations

♦️ COE models and orchestrators

♦️ Single point of failure

♦️ Automation management and orchestration

♦️ Integrating the entire automation lifecycle

♦️ COE - Center of Ecosystem - COE Efficiencies are needed